This policy is to ensure compliance with the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 and should be read in conjunction with the Manchester United Group Health & Safety Policy.


1. The Responsible Person must be named and will ensure that fire risk assessment is properly managed throughout the business. The Responsible Person must appoint one or more competent persons to assist in the undertaking of fire prevention.

2. Fire Safety Managers will be appointed to take overall responsibility for working procedures and maintain an up-to-date building fire manual.

3. In every building to which the policy applies, there shall be a nominated person (fire safety), who shall ensure that the requirements of the policy are implemented, whether directly or by others that are made directly responsible by this policy.

4. In many premises, responsibility for compliance with fire legislation is shared. Where responsibility is shared in this manner, the appointment of responsible personnel by the management team is required. Appropriate funding will be provided to enable full compliance with legislation and the Manchester United Group Fire Safety Policy. The appointment will be recorded in the Building Fire Manual.

5. Nominated Persons (fire safety) shall ensure that all staff to which responsibility for fire precautions is delegated, shall have available to them, all necessary information and guidance on the requirements of legislation and the Manchester United Group Fire Safety Policy.

Management of Fire Safety

1. For every building, a Building Fire Manual (BFM) shall be prepared. The BFM sets out the fire safety strategy for that building. The BFM shall contain information specific to the building as follows:-

• There is a current fire risk assessment report available for inspection by the enforcing authority.
• There are suitable procedures for evacuation of employees, visitors and members of the public including disabled persons.
• All persons employed, including part-time and temporary staff, receive suitable instruction and training in fire safety matters.
• All persons employed participate in regular fire drills, in which all occupants evacuate the building.
• A disciplinary procedure is in place in respect of any of its employees who negate fire precautions and the requirements of the Manchester United Group Fire Safety Policy.
• There are arrangements for periodic auditing of fire safety measures, and recording of the results.
• In every building a single point of contact is appointed to liaise with the fire management team with regard to the implementation of issues relating to the Manchester United Group Fire Safety Policy.

2. In every building, there shall be co-operation between all that occupy the building and with the nominated persons (fire safety) so that the requirements of the Manchester United Fire Safety Policy are maintained.

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